Monday, December 31, 2007

This Year's New Year's Resolution Is...


That's right -- I don't need one! I'm already doing it!

I'm steadily losing the one pound per week on average (hitting a couple of plateaus along the way, as expected), and my body is genuinely liking it. I feel better, and my face doesn't look downtrodden or depressed when I pass a mirror. I breathe easier, I'm more active, and I'm not craving the bad stuff anymore. I have a temporary yen for one thing or another every now and then, but they're easily ignored.

And my medical tests are all spot-on, except blood sugar, which is catching up nicely. Turns out that fat absorbs insulin, so the more fat you have, the less insulin left over to do its job on your blood. So it's only a matter of time (and a double-dose of Metformin).

Lisa's short little arms wrap all the way around me now and her hands meet behind my back, which hasn't happened in over a decade.

It's all happening exactly as planned, and I feel a sense of accomplishment. I can't believe I let myself get this way, but I can't let that get me down a second time; it's onward and upward forevermore.

Goodbye, 2007. Hello, 2008!

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